6 things I wish I knew before I started DJing gigs

With more gigs comes more opportunities for growth, humility, and knowing your worth. Here are a few things I've learned from spinning regularly over the last year.

  1. Recordings don't lie. Watch AND listen to yourself to find out how to improve.
  2. Reduce your library. Delete songs you don't think you'll ever DJ. Keeping 2000 tracks you always scroll past, but never play out is stupid.
  3. DJs are energy architects. Read the crowd, control the energy, repeat. Don't be afraid to quickly mix out and change it up if the vibe is dying.
  4. The majority of audiences you play will care more about your music taste than mixing technique. You can educate the crowd, but make sure you please them before your ego.
  5. Set key cue points! 90% of your job happens outside of the eyes/ears of an audience. Make the 10% worth it by being ready to crush every minute of your set.
  6. When doing a private event/wedding, SIGN A CONTRACT AND GET A DEPOSIT. Deposits should be non-refundable on cancellations, even for a friend. Skin in the game makes people accountable and less likely to waste your time.

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Meet the Author

Hello, I am Jules Juke.
This is where I ramble, reflect, and refocus.